Active Reloads

Skill Reloads

Today's new feature that moves us closer to a moba and further from being 'realtime x-com' is active reloading. If a weapon supports active reload, rather than a simple reloading bar, there will a randomly positioned 'skill zone' where a well timed shot will not only cancel the remaining reload time, but grants a 100% chance of a critical shot (if you hit something).

There's a few reasons I'm going down this route

  • I'd like to promote more tactile skill from players rather than just basic point'n'click nav and aiming
  • This compliments the the dash mechanic, as players will be able to find excellent timing combinations of running, gunning & critical shot reloading
  • It adds additional depth to weapons to have specific magazine sizes. Some weapons won't have reloading at all, some can, and some will not have skill reloading, which will be an important decision making component when building out your character

Of course, this is the first weapon, it's pretty rudimentary and a pure proof of concept, nothing is properly tuned yet, it's just 'there'. 

Of course the reloading time is modulated by your rank, and as reload times goes down, that's also going to increase the skill requirement to hit that 'skill zone' as the arrow flies through it.

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