Level Up!

Levelling Up & Upcoming Objectives

The Breed

The game now has a fully featured levelling up system, with a huge pile of player variables now linked to your progression. Everything has custom progression curves to allow for multi-class gameplay. Enemies also have it.

I've also increased the number of enemies to begin load testing for when objectives are added to the game (right now it's just a giant bug kill mission with no end).

Weapons also support levelling up, and as I add additional weapons per player class, we'll start to see the depth of gameplay that will give us.

Levelling up presently affects the following systems

  • Move speed
  • Run speed
  • Run cooldown speed
  • Max health
  • Critical hit chance
  • Weapon accuracy
  • Weapon fire rate

Being the lazy person I am, adding a custom curve for a different variable is about 3 lines of code, so it's extremely scalable. 

I'm hoping within the next week to start getting in the pickups (half working at the moment, so excluded from the latest version) and start laying the groundwork for the objectives system.

Happy hunting!


Archive.zip Play in browser
Oct 22, 2024

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